Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Now What - Next Steps #tcrwp

As a Principal I'm always thinking ahead, weeks, months or even years down the road. I'll be back to John Swett Elementary this Friday, back with my students and staff. I've been in NY all week while they've been on campus and I can't help but think/plan......

- How do I 'bring' back all the amazing work I've seen and been a part of this week.
- How do I keep up the connection with all the amazing educators I've met this week in person and through social media?
- I refuse to say...."You had to be there" - "It's hard to explain" - I fully realize there is no substitution for being here @tcrwp in person, but I have to try.

Talking with Dara from New Jersey who teaches 6th grade in New Jersey about this during a short break in our afternoon session. Talking about GHO and she says...."Could I like do that with your staff, that'd be so cool and we could learn together!" #yes

Then.....I of course ask Dara what her Twitter handle is.....

Dara - "I'm not on Twitter"
Me - "Do it tonight, get signed up!"
Dara - "How about I do it right now!"
Me - "Yes, you rock Dara!"
Check Dara out and help her learn/grow! @DSchwenck

Staying connected and connecting these great educators with my teachers is key!

Some other next step ideas.....

- Start a 'Workshop Wednesday' where my staff and myself share mini-lesson ideas with each other. We can blog these ideas as a way to archive for future work?
- Take video of mini-lessons to share with others, reflect on the work as a collaborative team.
- GHO (Google Hangouts) with educators I'm meeting in NY this week and those already immersed in workshop teaching. Lets learn/grow together!

Any other ideas for next steps?

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