Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting More Connected - Twitter Challenge #tcrwp

I know, I'm on a roll with blogging today with my 5th post of the day. It's funny, I've been Tweeting with @themchugh all morning and then finally met 'in real life' during the small section time this morning. He commented on all my posts from this morning and how he's been wanting/trying to start a blog of his own. We should strive to model for our teachers what we want them and our students to do. As I wrote this morning, all 3rd-5th graders at my school have their own blog, their own digital writing space.....that's so powerful! I'm excited for Jeff to start his blog this week, my #educhallenge to him!

So, getting more connected, my Twitter challenge. I have 20+ new followers in the last 24 hours and I've followed about the same amount, all educators attending #tcrwp this week. During the small section time this morning with @AlexisCzeterko I asked my group what their handles were. One of the three (thanks @lucysalazar) were on Twitter, and the other two said they 'knew' they should be on. My brain starts rolling and I'm thinking about 'how' I can get these educators connected, when they aren't connected and can't see all that they're missing. It's complicated I know.......there is so much conversation going on 'behind' the scenes that everyone can benefit from.

Thanks to the power of Twitter and @alicekeeler for sharing a great 'getting started' document. And her question.....

Open to ideas and motivation, Tweet them out!

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