Thursday, May 8, 2014

Remind 101 For Administrators

Please note, this has also been posted on the Remind 101 blog!

What/when/why could a Principal possibly use Remind 101 for with their entire school community?

- I’ve always gotten to work early (6:30am or so) and it can be super cold at my school because we’re tucked into a little valley. During the winter months it was in the low 30s even at 7:30am which is cold for California. I would text a ‘Current Temperature at JSE’ because we ALWAYS have kids who show up in shorts and no jacket. I’ve had numerous parents tell me they’ve shown my message to their child while getting dressed, insisting they change out of their shorts and tanktop when it’s 30 degrees because Mr. Welcome said so! Kids listen to their Principal, you can make an impact with Remind 101!

- Instead of doing an Emergency Phone Tree, set up a ‘staff’ class in your Remind 101 account. You can simply message them without skipping anyone or ‘not’ getting ahold of someone. I’ve done the phone tree before with an entire staff, I’m using Remind 101 now! Much more efficient, free, reaches all staff in matter of seconds, all you need is a browser or better yet the app for your phone. Inform your staff during emergencies with Remind 101!

- No matter how much I push and promote our website, the majority of parents use their mobile device as their main conduit for information from the school. Of course we’re on Twitter (@jseroadrunners) but having the ability to attach documents to our Remind 101 messages has risen the bar. Golf tournament sign-ups, Father/Daughter Dance, auction donation forms, it’s all sent out via Remind 101 and the new ‘attach’ feature. Keep your community informed with Remind 101.

- Lately I’ve been dabbling with as a way to streamline communication with our school community and different recipes to bring it all together. There is a recipe for all Remind 101 messages to be automatically Tweeted when your accounts have been linked. Check out with Twitter to put Remind 101 to work for you!

- The majority of our teachers from @jseroadrunners use Remind 101 with their classes as well. If you’re a Principal make sure you subscribe to their classes, this will keep you more informed on class happenings and give you great implementation ideas to share with others! Stay updated on classroom news with Remind 101 and your staff!

- When you’ve sent 100 message a little surprise will be sent to your inbox, ready set go!

How are you using Remind 101 with your school community, we’d love to learn from you!