Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Doing School" - A Book I Suggest

Winter Break has always been such a great 'catch-up' time for me and reading. Just finished my third book this week and still have 14 more days of vacation.

I heard about 'Doing School' by Denise Clark Pope during an administrator workshop and checked it out from my local library. The format was very easy to read and the stories about each student from Denise's study were fascinating. Click this link to read more about the book.

Some questions that I'm thinking about....

1. Do you believe our current education system is preparing our children for life? Work? Relationship? Healthy living?

2. If not....What will it take to change our current systems?

3. What can adults do to help students like those featured in the book.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Instead of Recess

An interesting article in the NY Times School Book section this morning talking about enrichment classes during recess. A school in Queens, NY offers enrichment classes during lunch recess, instead of having the kids play on the yard.

There are students who don't enjoy recess, don't run around and play kickball, don't enjoy being outside for fresh air. Should this be an option at schools for students with different interests other than recess?

Read the full article here....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

10 Ways to Change the Minds of Tech-Reluctant Staff

How do we move our colleagues into the 21st Century mindset? A great article on the Committed Sardine Blog about moving a staff/colleagues/yourself.

Here's a recap of the 10 ways, read the article for additional information and strategies.

1. Use technology for personal reasons first.
2. Emphasize how it helps them specifically.
3. Take small steps.
4. Pair off staff members with a knowledgeable co-worker.
5. Let students lead.
6. Allow paid lead for educators to get up to speed.
7. Be sure to offer continuous training and support.
8. Plan a fun event.
9. Realize technology can be intimidating.
10. Make sure the technology works - and is easily available.

What's on your list?