Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Blogging - Yet Another Article and Six More Reasons
A Great Interactive
Steve Jobs has left a huge footprint on the computer/digital world. There's A Great Interactive showing some details of the 313 Apple patents that hold his name. See the entire interactive here.
The Digital Revolution - An Interesting Study/Findings
There was An Interesting Study/Findings published by the Pew Research Center which focused on The Digital Revolution in Higher Education. You can see the full report here.
The findings show that a small percentage of people feel that online courses offer the same benefit as face-to-face classes. But, the majority of college presidents feel that online courses offer the same benefit. Even though the report is centered around higher education, I feel in the very near future there will be a much higher prevalence of digital textbooks and online learning in our public schools.
Audioboo - A Podcasting Resource I Use All the Time
Audioboo is a A Podcasting Resource I Use all the Time!
- Messages we post on our website
- Messages for teachers
- Messages for the guest teacher
- A story narrative
- A weekly 'radio show' on your own free Audioboo channel
- Messages you can record and embed on a Google Site
- How else have you utilized Audiboo?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Where Will You Be - A Great Question to Ask our Students
There was a great 'interactive' article in the NY Times that got me thinking about my elementary school, and what a Great Question to Ask our Students.
They surveyed over 2,500 students and asked them what they predicted their future career would be. You can read/hear the article here, and I think this would be a fun project for my school. Video taping our students and put it all together for the community to listen and become inspired by our young voices!
LEGO Creativity Contest - Sounds Interesting and Innovative
LEGO is holding their annual LEGO Smart Creativity Contest and it Sounds Interesting and Innovative! You can see more information on their website here.
Teachers can enter and need to make a video, talking about how they use LEGO solutions to spark creativity and innovation in their classroom.
LEGO also has a Professional Development page that has some great resources. Check them out today!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Google Search - A Blog Post and Video Explanation I Like
There was a great Blog Post and Video Explanation I Like on the Official Google Blog about Google Search. You can watch the video below and see the blog post here.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
PD That Looks Good
Through the Edutopia Newsletter, I found out about some PD That Looks Good. This Saturday, August 27th, you can watch a live broadcast of teacher Carolyn Stanely talk about using technology in the classroom. See the link here about signing up and how to participate.
You can also sign up here to receive the Edutopia Newsletter to your inbox.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Free Day of Learning - Wednesday August 24th - Something You Should Check Out
Simple K12 is offering a Free Day of Learning on Wednesday, August 24th and it's Something You Should Check Out! If you can't catch the live Webinars, I'm sure they'll post the video from the PD on their site.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
OER - A New Resource I Just Learned About, and Like
OER (Open Educational Resources) is a New Resource I Just Learned About, and Like very much.
They have open textbooks, science curriculum, and you can browse content by subject or grade level. I still haven't explored all they have to offer but am excited already!
Creative Commons - A Free Resource Every Educator Should Take Advantage Of
Creative Commons is a Free Resource Every Educator Should Take Advantage Of this year! Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximized digital creativity, sharing and innovation.
Untangling the Web for Education - This Needs to Happen Thoughtfully
Untangling the Web for Education is something that Needs to Happen Thoughtfully, and I will admit is very difficult with the vast amount of resources made available to educators.
The Guardian UK has a great Technology Blog, and this mornings post was titled 'Untangling the Web' and the author had some good food for thought and ideas for upcoming posts.
I even struggle with being thoughtful about Educational Technology Implementation and resources, and it really depends on each district/school/classroom. There isn't a single model that can be followed and each environment needs to be looked at and thoughtfully strategized.
Boys and Reading - Something That Concerns Me
There is lots of evidence and data about boys and their lack of interest in reading and it's Something That Concerns Me. We read a great book last year called "The Trouble With Boys" by Peggy Tyre and there was an article in the NY Times (Boys and Reading - Is There Any Hope?) that spoke to the same concern.
Here's a link to a video that accompanies the article.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Edutopia - Quality and Trusted Resource
Edutopia has long been a Quality and Trusted Resource for me in education. Their articles are insightful and offer great advice and content that is applicable to the classroom and also school wide.
Edutopia also has some great Classroom Guides, and their newest release is 10 Ten Tips for Classroom Management. You can see all the free guides here, and you'll need to create a free account before you download.
Edutopia also has some great Classroom Guides, and their newest release is 10 Ten Tips for Classroom Management. You can see all the free guides here, and you'll need to create a free account before you download.
Enjoy the first day of school!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Google Faculty Institute - Something I REALLY Like
There was a great article on the Mind/Shift blog, which you can read here. Google has created a Google Faculty Institute and they've teemed up with the CSU system, to learn about Teacher Training and see what is working and what they can offer. You can read the entire article, but here is what they came up with.
- The Math of Khan: Documenting, testing and disseminating the process by which a teacher can flip their classroom using Khan Academy videos.
- Making Teachers ‘Appy’: Encouraging a “maker” philosophy with pre-service educators (teachers-in-training) by teaching introduction to programming in an educational technology course.
- Birds-Eye Detective: Teaching pre-server educators how to use Google Earth, Maps and fusion tables in the context of project-based K-12 instruction.
- Team-Teaching Classroom Innovation: Identifying a large number of pre-service teacher pairs to develop technology-rich science and math modules, test those modules in their classrooms and share with each other.
- Transforming STEM Educators: Delivering short workshops on how to use technology to do formative assessment, while saving faculty significant time.
- Examining Climate Change: An integrative math/science/technology approach to learning about climate change by developing a module for a methods course showing the power of technology in the context on relevant issues and to address misconceptions.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Nothing to do with Education or Technology
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm an avid cyclist and supporter of bicycle infrastructure. When I was a teacher, we actually started a Kids By Bicycle club on my campus, lots of fun.
With that being said, this post has Nothing to do with Education or Technology, but Danny Macaskill is one of my favorite cyclists and I had to share. Great soundtrack as well!
Artificial Intelligence Class - A Reason I'm Excited
I recently blogged about an Artificial Intelligence class you can take for FREE through Stanford. There was an updated article in the NY Times yesterday about the class......58,000 people have signed up and there's a big Reason I'm Excited!
Distance learning has merit, and this is a huge indicator! Hopefully school districts will promote/develop this in the coming years.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
School Days Video Journal - Arne Duncan
You can learn about the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, Arne Duncan in the 'School Days' video journal below.
Some highlights this month.....
- A new web tool for comparing college costs
- A visit from the State Teachers of the Year
- Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge guidelines
- New Teaching Ambassador Fellows
Steve Jobs - A Biography I Want to Read
Monday, August 15, 2011
Transforming the Teaching Profession - An Article I Recommend You Read
There was a good article in the Ed.gov Blog the other day that really caught my attention. You can read the article here, but here's a favorite excerpt of mine.....
"As a Nationally Board Certified teacher, I would like to see the teaching profession become more highly respected and understood, a profession where teachers are fairly compensated for the invaluable work we do every day."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Evernote - Something I've Really Started to Use
Something I've Really Started to Use is Evernote!
I previously took all my notes in the 'notes' section of my iPhone or iPad, but it's so much more streamlined with ALL my devices......
MacBook Air
Google Chromebook
I Really Like It! Check it out and give it a try if you haven't!
NY Times Knowledge Network - PD I Like
The NY Times has a great offering called Knowledge Network and it's some great Professional Development I Like!
They have a bunch of different classes and offerings in a wide array of subject areas.
- How to start a blog for high school students
- African Arts and Aesthetics
- American Politics
- Article Writing I - Featuring the NY Times
and many more......
This could be a great way for teachers/students/administrators to access some Professional Development and then share with colleagues. They also offer Certificate Programs and Webcasts, see all offerings here.
Summer Homework - I Kind of Like the Idea
Summer Homework is an Idea I Kind of Like....sort of. There was a good post on one of my favorite blogs called, Motherlode, about summer homework and the positive/negative effects it has on children, parents, educational growth, etc.
I really like the idea of Summer Activities.....ie: reading, writing letters to family members, writing a blog, watching educational videos on Brain Pop, watching TED Talks.....
I don't like the idea of Summer Packets, and stressful work loads for kids and parents. Summer was originally designed as a break so kids could help their parents on the farm, and that obviously doesn't happen in most households, but an academic break of some type is a good notion.
Thoughts? Ideas? Strategies?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Kno - A Service I Want to Check Out
Kno is A Service I Want to Check Out.....they've been getting lots of blog time and coverage about their service.
In short, Kno is a service where you can download interactive textbooks at a deep discount, and read on the computer or they have an iPad app as well. Stay tuned for an overview after I dig deeper and test their product.
An overview of their features/services....
In Need of a Digital Upgrade - I Couldn't Agree More
There was an article in the NY Times, under their Opinionator section that talks about the need to redesign American Education, and....I Couldn't Agree More!
Virginia Hefferman writes that 'Education Need a Digital-Age Upgrade' in so many different aspects. Of course there is the S.T.E.M initiatives across the country, but I would like to start with the aspects of our Educational System that we should get rid of.
- cursive hand writing
- paper and pencils
- printed out homework packets
- paper fliers
- My list could go longer.....any suggestions?
Now, for the proactive/positive upgrades.
- teaching our students software programming and different programming languages
- how to create digital infographs, not paper based projects
- Ideas, suggestions?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Projection With Apple - I Like the Idea
The Washington Post had an article in their Technology section this morning about the possibility that Apple is exploring a patent to have Projection Ability in their devices. This idea/technology is not on the market and is only a rumor based on a pending patent, but I Like the Idea!
Take a video from your iPad/iPhone and then project on the wall.....yes please! We'll all need to wait and see.....
Celebrating 30 Years
Wired Magazine had a great spread about the IBM personal computer celebrating it's 30th year. I'm so glad computers are much smaller, faster, cleaner, lighter and more advanced! Enjoy....
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Teens in Tech - I Think We Need to Develop This More
There was a Teens in Tech Conference just last week in Palo Alto, and this is an idea I Think We Need to Develop More in our schools.
S.T.E.M. is being promoted by everyone, including President Obama, and there are excellent programs and resources online and in our backyard. (Silicon Valley)
I'm going to allocate more time this year to promote S.T.E.M. on my campus......check out the list of sponsors below, and the video of President Obama talking about his Innovate to Educate policy.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Web Tool Smackdown - PD I Like!
Simple K12 has some great PD and they're offering a Web Tool Smackdown That I Like!
You can submit your entry form here, and they'll invite you to present your Web Tool during their session, I like it.
What does this look like at your site? During a staff meeting? Grade level meeting?
What does this look like at your site? During a staff meeting? Grade level meeting?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Tech Camps - A Growing Trend I Support
There was an interesting article in the SF Gate about technology/coding camps that are really gaining interest. It's a Growing Trend That I Support as another option to the classic summer camp that can sometimes be more child sitting than enriching....
iD Tech Camps is one of the companies behind the Tech Camp drive and you can check out their website here. I've been pushing for a 'Techxpert' certification in my district for a couple of years and would be a positive step for many aspiring students!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
think with Google - Ideas That Inspire Me
First off, my Chromebook arrived yesterday and I'm testing it out now. I'll be posting a review soon.
Now.... think with Google is a great resource and has some great Ideas That Inspire Me. They have three different sections.....Think Quarterly, Think Voices and Think Insights. The Think Quarterly is what really caught my eye and especially the article, 'The Eight Pillars of Innovation.'
The article was written by Susan Wojcicki who was the 16th employee to be hired at Google. She has some great ideas/insight and you can read the full article here.
Check out the full newsletter and hopefully something will inspire you as well!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Setting Goals - I Think It's Very Important
Setting Goals is something I Think Is Very Important. The Washington Post has a great series called, 'On Leadership' and they have people talk about leading organizations, making change, setting goals and other motivational topics.
Gary Locke (former Governor of Washington State and outgoing Secretary of Commerce) talks about Setting Goals in the video below. What are your goals for the year? After reading 'I'm Feeling Lucky' by Douglas Edwards....I'm leaning towards the Google model. You don't necessarily need a vision, just a list of things you want to achieve and get done!
Intro to Artificial Intelligence - Free PD I Like
This October, Stanford is offering some Free Professional Development I Like in the form of a free online version of their Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course. Course information here.
I really like online/distance learning for teachers, especially in the area of Professional Development. I've talked with many colleagues lately, and the cost of bringing someone on campus for their teachers, is really pricey. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Blogger I Really Like
Acer Chromebook (Wi-Fi) - Something That Arrives Tomorrow
The Acer Chromebook (Wi-Fi) is Something That Arrives Tomorrow and I'm excited to test it out. I'll post a review and my input later this weekend! Stay tuned.....
Chrome Extensions - Something I Really Like
If you don't use Chrome.....you should really check it out. I've been using Chrome as my web browser for about six months now and the features they offer are really great.
One of the best features of Chrome, is the Chrome Web Store and all their extensions, which is Something I Really Like. There are tons of great extensions and since I've started using them last month, I've been adding new features every week.
First.....download Chrome.
Then....check out the Chrome Web Store.
Next....I'll be doing a review soon of my favorites, stay tuned!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1:1 - An Article You Should Read
There is An Article You Should Read in 'The Journal' (Transforming Education Through Technology) about a school on the East Coast and their journey through a 1:1 iPad implementation. You can read the article here.
New Video I Like
There's a New Video I Like about 21st Century Teaching/Learning. In all honesty, I don't agree with the term 21st Century Skills....we're more than a decade into this century and I feel these 'skills' are simply what our students need for success. Thoughts?
Also, stay tuned for a couple of 'guest bloggers' to my site. I have some great colleagues that are working on some posts now!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
TED Books - Something I Encourage for Professional Development
I am of course a HUGE proponent of TED Talks, you should be as well. TED has also just announced the release of TED Books on Apple's iBookstore, read their blog release here.
TED Books is Something I Encourage for Professional Development!
The books only cost $2.99 each, and are all under 20,000 words. They're available to read on the Kindle, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android and Blackberry.
Check them out for yourself, grade level, department, school or district. I think they'll offer valuable professional development at a great cost and very easy to access and share!
iCloud - Something I'm Excited to Try
iCloud is Something I'm Excited to Try, and Apple announced a release date the other day, and their beta site is now open to developers. More to come on iCloud.....stay tuned!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Mandatory Technology Integration - Something That I Support
Great news video from New Zealand about 'mandatory' technology integration, which is Something That I Support. See the video below.....
Peter H. Reynolds - Someone Who Inspires Me
Peter H. Reynolds is Someone Who Inspires Me!
I had the opportunity to meet Peter last year at an event hosted by a colleague and his inspiration has flowed into my own work.
His company, Fablevision and The Partnership for 21st Century Skills have released a short video called Above and Beyond which focuses on Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration. This is a great video to show at a staff retreat or group of students.
They also have a great visual poster here as well.
OS X Lion - Operating System I've Downloaded
The OS X Lion is the new Operating System I've Downloaded from the Apps Store. Still getting use to the differences from Snow Leopard and will be writing a review soon.
The first feature that I really like, is that you don't need to visit an Apple store to buy the disc drive for installation. You simply download from the Apps Store and it takes about thirty-five minutes. Stay tuned....